Say this prayer to resist the DEVIL and draw closer to GOD!

When you ever feel tempted or are stumbling, try saying this useful prayer to resist the devil and draw closer to God. Be bold, and put on His full armor that will defend you against attacks from the enemy!

Prayer to Resist the Devil

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A Prayer to Resist the Devil and Draw Closer to God

“LORD, thank You so much for always loving me and protecting me every day of my life.

Today, I humbly pray for You to bless me with the strength to resist the devil and ALL spiritual attacks from evil enemies.

Help me draw closer to You as I turn away from sin, temptation, and all distractions.

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LORD, I pray You will help me put on Your FULL ARMOR to fight against the enemy’s wicked schemes and attacks.

May I always remember that I am Your child – and nothing the devil can do will ever change that!

Put on the Full Armor of God

Bless me as I put on Your belt of Truth and breastplate of righteousness (Ephesians 6:14). I hold firmly onto my faith in JESUS – who died on the cross for my sins.

Father, fit my feet with the readiness of Your Gospel of peace that is JESUS (Ephesians 6:15).

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Give me strength to raise up my shield of faith as You defend me against ALL the flaming darts of the enemy! (Ephesians 6:16)

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With Your helmet of salvation, block out from my mind all evil lies, as I celebrate Your perfect gift of salvation in Christ. (Ephesians 6:17)

Sword of the Spirit

LORD, arm me with the sword of the Spirit, Your Holy Bible. Fill me with a deeper thirst to know Your Word as Your Holy Spirit guides me. (Ephesians 6:17)

Lastly, LORD, spur in me an even greater desire to keep praying to You. I shall turn to You in all that I do, repenting for my sins as I trust you in faith and courage.

THANK YOU Father! I am grateful that You will help me resist the enemy as I draw closer to You.

Romans 8:31

In Christ, I know You are with me – so who can ever stand against me? (Romans 8:31) The victory is Yours!

Wearing Your armor, I surrender myself to Your unfailing love and greater will.

In JESUS’ mighty name I pray, AMEN!”

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